Hotel Chelsea

Live at Hotel Chelsea

Joe Rizzo performs & broadcasts live at virtual Hotel Chelsea, a music venue, in Second Life. Virtual Hotel Chelsea is a recreation of the iconic New York City bohemian hotel. Most shows are held in El Quijote Lounge. The event is free to attend!

Next Live Performance:
Friday August 9th, 2024
3 pm Pacific (6 pm Eastern)

Regularly Scheduled Shows:
2nd Friday of Every Month

Joe Rizzo is a San Francisco bay area based singer-songwriter. He sings and performs on guitar, piano and harmonica. Performance is 100% live without pre-recorded backing tracks.

For more info:
Virtual Hotel Chelsea web site

Hotel Chelsea
joe on piano
Joe Live in the Metaverse

Experience the Performance in the Virtual Realm of Second Life

  1. Log into Second Life Second Life a few minutes before the date and time designated above.
  2. Teleport to Hotel Chelsea.
Hotel Chelsea sign
Hotel Chelsea - El Quijote Lounge

Just want to listen in without the 3D Virtual Experience?
Click the link and follow the instructions below to listen live from any phone, tablet or computer.

Listen to Live Stream without a Second Life Account