Wednesday January 25th, 2025 1 PM Pacific time (4 pm Eastern time)
Joe performs and broadcasts live at the 14th annual Hippiestock, a virtual music event in Second Life. The event is free to attend and/or listen via live radio stream.

Joe Rizzo is a San Francisco bay area based singer-songwriter. He will be performing all live on guitar, keyboards, ukulele, vocals, harmonica and percussion.
Experience Live in a Virtual Music Festival Event in Second Life
requirements: Second Life account, broadband Internet connection, computer with good graphics
- Log into Second Life
a few minutes before the scheduled show time listed above.
- Teleport to Hippiestock
- Enjoy the show!

Just want to listen in without the 3D Virtual Experience?
No special account is needed.
Click the link and follow the instructions below to listen live from any phone, tablet or computer connected to the internet.
Listen to Live Stream without a Second Life Account